Thursday, May 2, 2013

daffodils and a new home

I hope you're all doing well-- it's been a little while since I've posted.  But more about that later.
First, I'd like to share a few photos of one of my very favorite flowers-- the daffodil!

In what felt like only a few days, the weather here has gone from chilly and gray to sunny, warm, and beautiful!  The daffodils are in full bloom.  Some are big and showy...

tiny daffodil
...and some are teeny-tiny!

     Ok, so about the radio silence coming from my blog lately-- I've spent the last few weeks travelling back and forth to New York interviewing, and I'm going to be starting a lovely new job in just a few weeks!  Yay!  And since I'm going to be working in the city, I need to live a bit closer.  I had looked at some apartments a few weeks ago, just to get a feel for what exactly I wanted.  Of course, there was one apartment that I absolutely fell in love with.  Top floor, amazing views, cute neighborhood, 
cat-friendly, bright and sunny, reasonable commute-- everything I would have included if I was to describe my ideal apartment.  I was happy to see that my dream apartment does actually exist, but I was sure that it would be gone by the time I was ready to move.  I kept checking online to see if the listing disappeared, but somehow it stayed available.  When I was hired and started looking for a new home, I was sure the apartment would be gone, and that the online listing just hadn't been updated yet, but I called the real estate agent who had shown it to me, just to check.

It was not gone.

I'm moving in next week! 


I'll share some photos of my new nest over the next few days, but posting will probably remain erratic until I'm settled into my apartment.

I hope wonderful, exciting things are happening in your life, too!


  1. Congrats on the new job!!!
    And of course on finding your dream apartment! I can't wait to see pictures :)

    ps: I love your red rain boots!

    1. Thank you so much, Marie! I'm so excited. And thank you for the compliment on my boots-- they're perfect for brightening up rainy days!

  2. The apartment was waiting for you, just as the job was. Wishing you lots of happiness in both!

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Lisa! You are so sweet. I'm so glad we had the chance to become friends. ♥

  3. Julie-

    I am so pleased to hear about your new job and apartment!

    Good for you :)



    1. Thank you so much, Miss Morgan! I hope everything is going well for you-- I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that you're in college! ♥

  4. So happy for you Julie!!! Will miss you, but know that you are happy and doing what you love. In your dream apartment. Life is truly good! I have been sitting in my living room for the last couple of days with a headache, watching the grandmother tree in my back yard come alive! I swear that I can see the leaves getting bigger and bigger!!! My daffodils are extremely happy in my garden! I have at least 10 different varieties. Enjoy the sunshine!!!! :)

    1. I hope you're feeling better! Thank you so much-- I will miss all of you so much, too. Luckily I'm just a bus ride away, so I'll make sure to visit! I'm so glad that your living room is finally yours again. Everything in our garden is growing like crazy, too! Last year wasn't great because it got warm early and then froze our fruit blossoms, but this year it looks like everything is right on track.

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