Tuesday, October 23, 2012


just bits and pieces of what I've been doing and seeing lately...

siamese cats on couch
clearly, I've been ousted from my own loveseat.

orange mums
beautiful oranges mums

My mom and I found these matching teapots-- mine is the green one, and hers is the blue one.  They have a mesh basket in the top for putting loose tea in, so none ever escapes into the cup of tea!

cream white door pink bow cottage shabby
cream and gray and pink, oh my!

siamese cat window sunshine
Cocoa likes to enjoy the great outdoors from the comfort of his blanket.

white mums flowers sunshine
tiny pitcher of tiny mums

Have a beautiful day!


  1. Finding that perfect tea pot is such a great feeling isn't it? I've heard great things about that one in particular, you should love it. And what are you talking about? The kitty's definitely left you plenty of space between them! Then again you might have gotten the stare (you know the one) if you tried to sit down.

    1. It's the best feeling! I found a similar one when I was still in New York, but I was worried about it breaking when I was transporting my entire dorm room home, so I didn't get it-- then my mom and I found these for something ridiculous like three dollars each! I was so excited. Ha! I got the stare just for disturbing them with the clicky beepy pink box (a.k.a. my camera), I can't imagine the disdain if I had attempted to sit down! I've outwitted them though. I put one of their favorite blankets on the armchair and regained the loveseat! :D


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