Sunday, June 12, 2011

trust30 project: day 5

Catching up on two trust30 posts today, because every time I felt like blogging yesterday I was thwarted by thunder and lightning.  I love the day 5 prompt though!

There are two of these that I absolutely can't choose between because I love them both so much.


and Montmartre, in Paris...

the pink, the mint green, the narrow street with a cobbled sidewalk-- a flat over the Maison Rose Cafè would be just perfect, thank you.

As for what I'm doing to get there, I've started learning French, and eventually I'd like to learn Italian, too.  I want to have a realistic experience when I go to these beautiful places, and be able to interact without sticking out as a tourist.

even during the summer, sundays still feel like sundays.


  1. J'aime Paris! That's where I want to go someday too. We should meet for cafe au lait while we're there. :D

  2. oui, mon amie! ♥


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